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Welcome to “The Blender”

August 21, 2009

JimSucharaHeadShotCroppedIf you’ve already read the About page of this blog, you no doubt already have a good idea of why it’s titled “Marketing Tech Blender”.  In case you haven’t…

On one hand, what particularly excites me is that technology, when properly “blended” into the audience experience in any given marketing environment – be it online or live in person – can truly enable us to drive remarkable business results. 

On the other hand, the increasing number of emerging new technologies and the speed of their adoption into an already fast-paced marketing world can often feel like a blender set to “puree”.  Select the wrong technology ingredients, or mix them badly, and you can get, well… let’s just say we’ve all been there.   

Ultimately, this blog is intended to address technologies, topics, trends, and theory that can have a true impact on digital marketing and business success.   I look forward to a great conversation.  Welcome to the “Marketing Tech Blender”!

– Jim S.

Categories: Strategy